

We believe that all children have a right to be loved and to be safe from harm. They should have nutritious food, clean water and good healthcare.  They also have a right to education and a right to play – to be children. The Children's Home currently provides residential care for around 50 children, however we believe that, wherever possible, children should have the right to live with their parents or in family-based care.

Children benefit from growing up in a loving family environment, and this is provided wherever possible through reunification, foster care or adoption.  During the process of seeking suitable family care for a child, whether that be with family members, extended family members, foster carers or adoptive parents, the standard of care should be of the highest quality possible, and the children should still have access to the aforementioned – love, safety, nutrition, water, healthcare, education and play. Recommendations made by the social workers are made in the best interest of the child, and are reviewed by the Management Committee before their exit plan is finalised.

Over the last few years 32 children have left residential care and been placed in family-based care - 25 children have been reunified with family members, 6 children have been fostered, and 1 has been adopted.  All of these cases are assessed and monitored by the social workers. A further 32 children who were placed at the Home for short-term care were also reunified with family members.

We understand that many children are abandoned and placed in care due to poverty, but we also recognise that poverty does not have to be permanent. With support for school fees, uniforms and/or educational materials, children can usually be placed in a family-based environment. This financial support is provided when needed, enabling the children to continue their education, which in turn gives them opportunities to break the cycle of disadvantage and poverty. 

If you would like to know more about supporting a child's education, please click here

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